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Torben Lund and World Jewry
Anti-Semitism Sicknes that non Jews Suffer, or part of our human rights?

Poul Erik Skammelsen TV2 præsenterer kontroversen om Torben Lund
Poul Erik Skammelsen TV2

Torben Lund
Social democrat and member of the European Parliament
(born 1950)

Torben Lund, who is known among other things for being openly homosexual, has caused controversy in his own Social Democrat party before, when he demanded that the people should be informed of the real consequences of the new EU constitution, instead of just sneaking these far reaching decisions through the back door without any honest and open public discussion.

Torben Lund has pointed at the democratic deficit in the organs of the European Union.
He was very unpopular within the Social Democratic party because of this, and was rewarded with an order to shut up.


Bent Melchior B'nai B'rith formand og fhv overrabbiner Far til Michael Melchior medlem af det israelske parlament Knesset.
Bent Melchior
President of B'nai B'rith i Danmark
former chief rabbi.
One of his ideals is the Jewish philosopher Maimonides, about whom professor Kevin MacDonald says (mouse over)

Bent Melchior, who just as his brother Arne invested much energy in promoting Muslim immigration to Denmark:

»anti-Semitism is an illness that Gentiles suffer, and Jews die from.«


Kenneth Jacobson - Anti defamation League
Kenneth Jacobson
Vice President
nti Defamation League

I reckon that Mr. Jacobson will not at all like the comparatively respectless way his "charity organization" was depicted on Danish television.

Only a Jew is allowed to tell Jew jokes right?

Let's hope he doesn't find out. Otherwise we must fear that he will send a large delegation of lobbyists, that will swarm this presumptuous little country in order to teach the uncircumcised Viking peasants how to live their lives and how to define Anti-Semitism, to free the world of Gentiles who dare to demand the same rights as Jews...


Tøger Seidenfaden Politiken
Tøger Seidenfaden
Editor-in-chief Politiken

Christian Kock Professor i Retorik
Christian Kock
Rethorics Professor

Scandalous editorial i Jyllands Posten where Torben Lund is being compared with Der Stürmer og Julius Streicher:

Yesterday he tried to justify himself in this newspaper, but moved only further out on a limb.

Now he is rapping about former chief rabbi Bent Melchior having started a "network" and an "International Organization" and a smear campaign. From there it isn't very far to the worst of all anti-Semitic conspirational cliché's about Jews running the world from behind the stage.

It may sound harsh, but there is no way around acknowledging thet Lund has an inner congeniality with Nazi-propagandist Julius Streicher, who edited the detestable pamphlet "Der Stürmer".

Sorry I'm not entirely through translating;

Læs våset fra Jødelands-Posten, der åbenbart gerne vil overtage Politikens (tidligere) rolle.
Leder: Hadefuld Tale (18 maj 2004)

Det er i øvrigt kønt at man kan skrive hvad som helst i en sådan leder, og oveni købet forblive anonym, mens hver en sølle borger skal underskrive med navn og adresse.

Er det mon Hr. Juste, der har skrevet denne sindsyge artikel?

Det er ikke ofte jeg forsvarer en socialdemokrat, men her er blevet gjort Torben Lund et stort uret. Lund burde anlægge sag, da artiklen er æreskrænkende.
Mere så end betegnelsen "antisemit" der som Melchior hårdnakket påstår tilfalder enhver der har kritik på Jøder som enkeltpersoner som gruppe eller har kritik på Israel.

Det er derfor jeg synes det er rimeligt at stave Antisemit og Antisemitisme med stort, ligesom ordet Jøde, (Jødedom) der i sig selv jo heller ikke siger meget om et menneskes kvaliteter.

At personer som deres Upps redaktør og lignende kritisk indstillede personer jævnlig får tildelt denne betegnelse; det er vi vant til, ja, jeg kan endda have en vis forståelse for det; men at en mand som Torben Lund nu også skal dele denne skæbne ligner en kraftig eskalation af den jødiske krigsførelse.

Den zionistiske krigstrompet lyder: "Aldrig mere!".
Holocaust som Mentalt Paradigme af Henry Makow >>

Debat: EU bør lægge fløjlshandsken og indføre boykot af Israel (Indlæg af Torben Lund i Politiken 3-5-04)

JP 21 maj 2004 Læserbrev af Hans Lembøl: Antisemit i ny betydning

Politiken 15 maj 2004. Indlæg af Torben Lund: Stop statsterroristen Sharon

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Kevin MacDonald - The Culture of Critique
The Culture of Critique
An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

Read review by
Henry Makow

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After the Hohmann affair in Germany , the furious Jewish reactions against Mel Gibson, and the latest Jewish attack against the Danish vicar Sören Krarup, which included charges of anti-Semitism against by the Danish Jewish ex-politician Arne Melchior , now the latest developments in the apparently never ending fight against Gentile Denmark.

This time it was Bent Melchior, Arne Melchior's brother who was making the allegations against the Danish Social Democrat politician and member of the European Parliament Torben Lund.

It is common knowledge that Bent Melchior is the president of the Danish fraction of the militant Jewish organization B'nai B'rith and a former chief rabbi. He is also the father of Michael Melchior, member of a religious Israeli party and occupies a seat in the Israeli Parliament Knesset.

In an article in the Danish newspaper Politiken 3 Maj 2004 Torben Lund called Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon "the biggest terrorist in the Middle East" and accused the state of Israel of commiting genocide.

Provokingly he wrote: »just call me an anti-Semite« - because he anticipated that Jewish organizations would accuse him for exactly that; anti-Semitism.

And he didn't have to wait for very long. The Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, which hereafter may deserve the title Jewlands Posten had the following comment in an editorial May 18 2004:

Now he is rapping about former chief rabbi Bent Melchior having started a "network" and an "International Organization" and a smear campaign. From there it isn't very far to the worst of all anti-Semitic conspirational cliché's about Jews running the world from behind the stage.

It may sound harsh, but there is no way around acknowledging thet Lund has an inner congeniality with Nazi-propagandist Julius Streicher, who edited the detestable pamphlet "Der Stürmer". More in left collumn or click

The next day the Danish TV station TV2 paid attention to the controversy in the program Today (Dags Dato), where we actually got proof for the existence of a worldwide network of Jewish organizations, and if not the proof that Jews are running the world, at least proof that the Jews are attempting to do so.

Poul Erik Skammelsen TV2:

Is Social Democrat politician Torben Lund an anti-Semite?
That is, is he according to the definition of the Danish dictionary anti-Jewish; hostile to Jews in general?

Yes, Lund is an anti-Semite alrigh, says former chief Rabbi Bent Melchior, and several others after a newspaper comment Lund wrote about Israel. But is this anti-Semitism, or has "anti-Semitism become" a concept which is used to shut up critics of the state of Israel, Ole Vestergaard (TV journalist) asks in this program.

Transcription of
TV2 Today Broadcast
(Dags Dato)
Wednesday 19 maj 2004
about MEP Torben Lund
(Member of the Coucil of Europe for the Danish Social Democrats)
MEP Torben Lund is an anti-semit mener Bent Melchior og Kenneth Jacobsen fra ADL

Video can be downloaded here

Poul Erik


Poul erik Skammelsen - studievært TV2 Dags Dato & Nyhederne

Is Social Democrat politician Torben Lund anti-Semite?
That is, is he according to the definition of the Danish dictionary anti-Jewish; hostile to Jews in general?

Yes, Lund is an anti-Semite alright, says former chief Rabbi Bent Melchior, and several others after a newspaper article Lund wrote about Israel.

But is this anti-Semitism, or has "anti-Semitism become" a concept which is used to shut up critics of the state of Israel, asks Ole Vestergaard (TV2 journalist) in this program.

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2
Speaker voice

It all began when Torben Lund wrote an article in the Danish newspaper Politiken May 3. In the article he hit hard against Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

"Ariel Sharon certainly is the person in the Palestine conflict who tops the list of terrorists."

Torben Lund
Social Democrat

I believe he acts like a state terrorist, and that he has committed numerous atrocities against the Palestinian people as an occupying power.

Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

Torben Lund also wrote: "Every time somebody voices criticism there is an outcry from the Jewish communities, that this is an expression of anti-Semitism".

It is important to observe these three words, "the Jewish communities".
Not "some Jewish communities" or "some Jews", but "the Jewish communities".
Taken very strictly this is a generalization of all Jews.

Anyway, the words had come out of the box, and it didn't take long before the reactions poured in from both far and near.

Former chief rabbi Bent Melchior calls the statement for "pure anti-Semitism".

Bent Melchior

Lund has made it into something that denotes that all Jews in the world are ready to come to the defence of Sharon. And that is, that, I, I better stick to the academic, is just not true.

Bent Melchior - rabbiner formand for B'nai B'rith

Perhaps not, but in the next part Melchiors friends from the ADL drop in for a comment, and they make less of a secret of their sympathies for Sharon and his criminal gang....

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

But not only home in Denmark the statements had been noticed. All the way down in New York from the Jewish organization ADL the "The Anti Defamation League" came reactions.

Kenneth Jacobson
Anti Defamation League

”To have a kind of article written by mr. Lund which is outrageous, in it’s charges against Israel and it’s prime minister eh is extremely distressing.

Ehm, it runs against what we hoped was a new tide in Europe to co..to take seriously anti-semitism, and instead this article really encourages and creates an incentive for more anti-semitism.

Kenneth Jacobson ADL - Anti defamation League
Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

With that Lund is right at least so far, that some Jews call him an anti-Semite if he calls Sharon a terorist.

Kenneth Jacobson

Lunds article comes in the context of several years of activity in Europe in which the new form of anti-semitism is the demonization of the state of Israel.

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

We shall concentrate on what Lund wrote in Politiken: "The Jewish community cries out every time critizism is uttered, that it is an expression of anti-semitism."

At the newspaper Politiken editor-in-chief Töger Seidenfaden says about just that statement:

Tøger Seidenfaden
Tøger Seidenfaden - Chefredaktør Politiken

"It is always wrong to generalize, but from there to saying that everything which purely linguistically is a generalization is anti-Semitism or racism is taking it a bit too far.
Well, I think one has to say that if something is anti-Semitic, it will have to be insulting to Jews. The worst he says about them, as you mentioned yourself, is that they defend the state of Israel, and that does not seem insulting to me...

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

But Bent Melchior calls it deregatory....

Bent Melchior
rabbi/ B'nai B'rith

Generalization here appears definetely in a derogatory context... aasah you can't mean that what Lund means is eh, that what Jews mean in that context, if they support Sharon, eh, then, eh, that it is positive.

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

He says Melchior hurts his own case by using the word anti-Semitism.

According to Melchior anti-Semitism is an illness that Gentiles suffer and Jews die from.

We seek professional advice, at the University of Copenhagen we find professor in rethorics Christian Kock.

Christian Kock
phd. rethorics

Torben Lund has not said that all Jews have bad or negative qualities.
He has just said that all Jews throw themselves over him.
That is wrong, but it is not racist.

Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

But isn't it also positive, positive about the Jews that they defend themselves?

Christian Kock
phd. rethorics
Christian Kock professor RhetoricsCopenhagen University

Yes, one could argue that, it is hundred percent legitemate to throw oneself over Torben Lunds points of view, and there are also many Jews who do so, although it is not all Jews who do. In that way he hasn't said anything wrong, (Journalist: but not anti-semitic), but nothing anti-Semitic.

Bent Melchior

It is clear, clear anti-Semitism, and you can bring me all professors, eh it changes nothing about eh...

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

But is it only you [Jews] who have the right to define anti-Semitism?

Bent Melchior

Nooooooh, that isn't soooo, but it has been us who have been killed for it..., and because of that we are perhaps eh, more expert on the subject.

Melchior / Vestergaard

blah, blah blah...about feelings. [Mechior show a quick succession of changes in facial expression.]

Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

Back to Torben Lund who, by a making a few changes could have avoided accusations for being an anti-Semite.

Torben Lund
Social Democrat

torben Lund Europa Parliament Social Democrats

I think this is completely wrong, when I write "the Jewish community" I mean of course those who organize themselves and take part in the debate, and it was precisely Bent Melchior and his network I among other things was thinking about.

There are similar networks in many countries, and again in the USA there are very, very strong eh, organizations. That every time eh, one criticizes Sharon get involved, and the word anti-Semite lies lurking. Sometimes it is being said, sometimes it's not being said directly.

How did the "Anti Defamation League" get involved?
Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

But one can perhaps be surprised about the fact that Torben Lund's statements are intercepted by "The Anti Defamation League" i New York.

Kenneth Jacobson
Anti Defamation League

These days it’s not very hard to have information. It’s all over the Internet... We also ehm work closely with human rights groups and jewish communities all over the world...
All of us are concerned about the massive rise of antisemitism......

Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

For "The League" there is no doubt about anti-Semitism getting worse lately....

Kenneth Jacobson
Anti Defamation League:

In the last three years we have seen the greatest outbursts of antisemitism around the world since the holocaust..........

Ole Vestergaard
journalist TV2

............But if that is true, it is also true that the word "anti-Semite" is beginning to be used in a more hap hazard way, like some kind of abuse which can stop people from speaking critically about Israel.

Has Melchior lost his better judgement here?

Christian Kock
phd. rethorics
Christian Kock professor RhetoricsCopenhagen University

It is starting to take it's toll on his judgement, if he wants to further understanding for Israel, I think he should tell us something about Israel, instead of using the anti-Semite stamp.

Bent Melchior
Bent Melchior - rabbiner formand for B'nai B'rith

That I have used the expression..., that is simply not true, it goes against the truth... if that is being alleged.
It could be that smeone misuses it... Theh... they, it would be strange if there weren't ehm, diffent,... and precisely we are different..

Oh, your rethorics professor will have to accept that there are others who read the text just as I read it.

Torben Lund
Social Democrat

torben Lund Europa Parliament Social Democrats
There are scores of people who keep silent...., I have received many letters and mails from people who agree with me, but who don't hide that they eh, that it is difficult for them if they would join the debate, because ehm, they also will crucified for being, eh one thing and the other....
Tøger Seidenfaden

In stead of coming down exactly on what is wrong in what he writes, just drawing this club which is called "you are an anti-Semite" from his pocket. Thereby he derails the debate, and he abuses to my opinion a very very serious word.. which is the word anti-Semite.

The debate is derailing
Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

That the debate is derailling is seen most clearly in a leading article in Jyllands Posten yesterday [18 maj 2004] which stated:

Quote from:
Jyllands Posten
Editorial: Hatespeech
Lunds attack has an inner congeniality with the infamous Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher who edited the horrible pamphlet "Der Stürmer".
Ole Vestergaard journalist TV2

Now we are speaking clear language..... Torben Lund is not only an anti-Semite, he is actually a Nazi!

Poul Erik

Poul erik Skammelsen - studievært TV2 Dags Dato & Nyhederne

The before mentioned Jewish organization Anti Defamation League, has measured opinions in a number of European countries. In Denmark 16 % have anti-Semitic views, so this years scrutiny concludes, which is every sixth Dane..

So far the television broadcast..

Quite interesting, I think, if one studies it a bit in detail..... seeing the subjects on screen will further our study of Jewish mentality....

Video here

The Jewish lobby: Furious

Dan Tschernia jødisk journalist, TV Producer og anti-racist.
Dan Tschernia

How on the one side deny the existence of a Jewish network of power and connections, and on the other side spew your anger in Jyllands Posten, the newspaper which very courtuous has given as much of their paper and ink as they usually spend on all reader comments to furious Jews like the journalist Dan Tschernia.

In Jyllands Posten 21 maj 2004 media Jew Dan Tschernia furious: Anti-Semitism again a problem i Europe! (Sorry danish only!)

Send a supportive mail / letter to Torben Lund

Torben Lund, MEP,
1240 København K
Telephone 33 37 41 91
Telephone in Brussels: 0032 2 284 7491
Copy address by hand please Torben Lunds Homepage

Other articles in English here at Upps! - www.mosaisk.com

Danish Politics, Media, Jews & Immigration

Finnish Politics, Media, Jews & Immigration

Jewish Media Influence in Scandinavia / Sweden

Danish EU Politician Torben Lund against World Jewry

German Christian Democrat Martin Hohmann - Anti-Semitic Speech

Winston Churchill about the role of the Jews in the Bolshevist Revolution

Auschwitz Numbers - Death toll estimates through the years

Schindlers List Hoax (Book Covers)

Adolf Hitler about the Jews

The Jewish Timeline




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Review of "The Culture of Critique" on The Original Dissident

Review of "The Culture of Critique" on Thornwalker
Review of "A People That Shall Dwell Alone"
Preface to the First Paperback Edition of "The Culture of Critique"
MacDonald on Hellenism cf. Judaism, - The Jewish Role in the 60s Counterculture & New Left
Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (review)
Separation and it's Discontents

Prof. Kevin MacDonald - Professional Résumé
Thinking About Neoconservatism
Kevin MacDonald on the Puritans
What Makes Western Culture Unique?
Understanding Jewish Influence

Jewish slander
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